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NeTTT Conference, 2nd-7th July – Rhodes
NETT Conference
Discovering Translation Technology Trends | 4-6 July
We are really excited about the next item on our agenda – an inspiring new conference in our Greek base! This is NeTTT’s (New Trends in Translation & Technology) first edition and we are thrilled to contribute with an original presentation by Viveta Gene, Translation & Localization Industry Specialist with Intertranslations, sharing the results of MTPE Training research. This on-site event is aimed at both academics and language industry professionals (LSPs, vendors working with MT, developers etc.), and adopts an interdisciplinary approach to discuss latest trends and practices related to language technology. Register for NeTTT and don’t miss out on this great learning and networking opportunity!
LocWorld Berlin, 10th-13th July – Berlin
LocWorld 47
Back in networking action | July 11-13
We are really excited about the next item on our agenda – an inspiring new conference in our Greek base! This is NeTTT’s (New Trends in Translation & Technology) first edition and we are thrilled to contribute with an original presentation by Viveta Gene, Translation & Localization Industry Specialist with Intertranslations, sharing the results of MTPE Training research. This on-site event is aimed at both academics and language industry professionals (LSPs, vendors working with MT, developers etc.), and adopts an interdisciplinary approach to discuss latest trends and practices related to language technology. Register for NeTTT and don’t miss out on this great learning and networking opportunity!
Asling, November 2022, Translation & The Computer – London (TBA)
To be announced
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